That first bit of information is that you don’t make you selection purely on popularity. What I will do is give you some basic tools and information so that you can make your own mind. It is very much a personal decision based on what you feel is important, what you are prepared to compromise, what money you want to spend, what support you need, how simplistic your needs are. If you come back and say logger32 is the best, and does way more than xyz, then that’s fine, and in many cases what you have looked at and used. This is not to be taken as the best products or services, but as a outline, base level that you may want and should compare with.

Now you will notice as we move through this article, I am showing an application that I use and some online services I use and/or integrate with. Combine this with all the other smaller questions and you could end up with Logger Software paralysis or worst still multiple loggers, all partially configured, each with some records, which now need to be combined in your final choice (which you have not made yet). These are just a few of the high level questions.

Very simple answer to this question, and it may sound like a “duck and a swerve”, but the best logging software is the one that suits you, the services you use, the requirements you have and how you use amateur radio.